Mood : whee~~~
the title says it all, SPM results are out!!..
i'm like, totally flipping but not for me, for my lil sister, Aini a.k.a. Feshnie..
her SPM results came out today!!
so we woke up in the morning and my sis was like, all nervous and what not..
she was practically all over the place!!
nervous wreck really..
she couldn't wait to get to her school to know her result..
as the official driver (hahahaha!!!), it was in my power to dictate when we leave..
so around 9.45am, we were on our way...
we stopped for petrol at Changlun..
anyways, we reached my sis's school around 10.20am, which was also my school, once upon a time..
my sis was quite giddy, coz she wasn't wearing the official t-shirt of the school, and scared that the guard would not let her in..
i wasn't helping much, telling her she might not get in..
we got in anyway..
i was wearing something new and fabulous!!
new shirt with high heels, golden heels..
and there were a few heads turning and eyes gawking at me..
ahahaha, so full of myself.. (^^,)
anyways, when we got there, the results weren't announced yet so we had to wait..
my sister was busy blabbing with her friends while i was sitting and looking fabulous..
i noticed a few cameras aiming my way.. (hahaha, full of myself again!!)
after the Headmaster gave a speech and announced the 16 best students in school, my sis when to her class teacher to receive her results..
and the results weren't that bad, seriously..
here's some of her pics i got during that time..
my sis and her friends waiting for their results..
my sis waiting for her result from her class teacher..
my sis posing for a photo without seeing the results yet..
so, here's the result...
drum rolls please!!!!
my sister got...
6 1A, 2 3B, 1 5C, 1 6C and 1 8E..
she got better grades than i did when i took my SPM..
and for that i would like congratulate her on her success..
hope this would be a stepping stone for you to other big things in life..
as a closure, here are some pics i took today...
just some random stuff, not edited coz i'm too lazy.. hahaha..
my eldest sis with our niece, Quratul Ain..
my head-turning outfit.. ahahaha!! not much isn't it?..
my golden heels..
well, that's all i guess..
thanks for reading!!~~
shining star~~
What head turning outfit? You look like you grabbed yesterday's clothes and just acted fabulous. -_-;;
Hah! Thanks for that thoughtful congratulations present! I really enjoyed it! I really did. I was LOL-ing at it at 1AM++
and...it's not really ganbatei...
it's ganbatte.
Misspelling makes me want to cry T_T...
I'm already crying in my heart for that 3B in Islamic Studies...
ahahaha... (^^,)
you're welcome and sorry for the misspell..
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