Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Monday, April 27, 2009
things are looking up~~

Mood : thrilled~~
i got a message this afternoon from a friend of mine..
she told me to call the college and give my CIMB account number to the clerk..
i'm finally going to get my practical allowance from college!!
i'm like, so thrilled right now..
i can finally pay off some debts..
i don't know when they'll bank in the money yet, but i'm hoping it's soon coz i have to go to Malacca next month..
and that's not too far away..
shining star~~
Sunday, April 26, 2009
some stuff..

Mood : bored~~
wow, i guess i get easily bored..
anyways, i saw some old picture in my folders..
being bored, i edited them in photoshop..
my head is still aching though..

picture of me around 2006, i think..

i was really bored while waiting for my mum so i took pictures to kill time..

this picture was taken in February 2008 in Malacca Central..

during my College's Annual Dinner in Equatorial Hotel in September 2008.. i got 4 awards that night.. gloating time.. hahaha.. alhamdulillah..

a candid picture of me during my sister's akad nikah.. i miss my old phone..
well, that's it..
i'm going to bed now..
(-_-) zzZZ
shining star~~
Saturday, April 25, 2009
damn broke~~

Mood : worried..
i can't believe i used a cuss word in my title..
well, i am really broke..
i want to buy things for myself and i don't even have any money..
this sucks man..
i wish the people in the education department would call me already, give me a job as a replacement teacher so i can start earning some greens.. and reds and blues..
on another note, i have to start collecting money for my trip to Malacca next month..
it might cost about RM 200++..
so damn broke!!
not so shining star~~
Friday, April 24, 2009
another day in my life..

Mood : handsome~~
it's already 24th April, 2 days later after Wahida's birthday..
sorry about the late wish..
to my dear sister Wahida..
Happy 11th Birthday!!
the birthday party at our house in Jitra was fun right..
the cake also tasted nice..
i'll post some pictures later..
moving on....
coming back from Jitra, while waiting for my mum to finish using my laptop, i saw a bizarre situation..
i saw my 18 years old sister, playing with her doll, a plushed bear given to her by her boyfriend..
neways, it was a weird scenery..
she was, putting stuff on the bear, and taking pictures..
it was just.. bizarre.. (o.O)
i'll get some pictures later, if i can..
till then...................................................
stay happy!!
shining star~~
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Pace

Mood : yeahh~~
like i told you before, i'm really broke right now, not having enough money even to topup..
sad actually.. (T_T)
so i took an incentive and applied as a replacement teacher (guru ganti) at the nearest district education office which is in Kubang Pasu..
i'm applying for English teacher, hopefully in secondary school..
don't get me wrong, i like kids, but i'm not really the patient type..
so pray for me, hope for the best!!..
chaiyok!! (^^,)
shining star~~
boredom hits like a brick..

Mood : hungry..
well, the clock on my laptop states that it's now 2.09 a.m..
my mum is gonna kill me when she knows that i stayed up late..
anyways, i was bored so i edited some pics in photoshop..
not really pretty, but who cares..

was feeling 'rajin' and made 2 layers and used filter.. i kindda like this one..
didn't feel 'rajin' no more.. hahahaha..
well, that's about it..
gonna get me some shut eye now..
nyte everyone!!
or is it morning??..
contemplate that..
shining star~~
Monday, April 20, 2009
this is me~~

Mood : better~~
before i start this entry, i would like to thank my sisters who read my previous entry and came to hug me..
thanks a lot guys, love u lots!!! (^^,)
anyways, i was wasting time on Facebook, me being lazy and all, and i happened to come by this quiz..
it says that your favourite fruit reveals your secret..
so i did the quiz..
my favourite fruit is APPLE, so this is the answer i got..
If apple is your favourite fruit, you are an extravagant, impulsive and outspoken person; often with a bit of a temper.
While you may not be the best organiser yourself, you make a good team leader; and are good at taking things forward.
You can take quick action in most situations.
You enjoy travel immensely.
You ooze with charm when you are with your partner.
You have an enthusiasm for life, unmatched by most.
to tell you the truth, it matched me..
this is ME~~
i want to float to cloud9 now..
catch you guys later!!
shining star~~
Saturday, April 18, 2009
let's not....

mood : in need of a hug..
i seriously feel like cursing to the point of no return right now..
i'm just so freaking MAD!!!
my anger is directed to a lecturer of mine..
it's not really her fault, but she gave me false hope..
i got a letter from MARA today, concerning my shcolarship application to further my studies overseas..
it read..
'Adalah dimaklumkan bahawa dasar penajaan MARA di bawah Skim Pelajar Cemerlang ke institusi terkemuka luar negara telah mensyaratkan untuk permohonan peringkat iIazah Pertama, pemohon perlu memperolehi transkrip penuh di peringkat Diploma ataupun telah menamatkan pengajian di peringkat pengajian dahulu. Berdasarkan semakan, pemohonan saudari adalah tidak memenuhi syarat tersebut kerana masih dalam pengajian.
Sehubungan itu, bersesuaian dengan peruntukan semasa MARA yang amat terhad sebarang permohonan yang tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan tidak dapat dipertimbangkan buat masa ini.
Sekian, harap maklum.'
Sehubungan itu, bersesuaian dengan peruntukan semasa MARA yang amat terhad sebarang permohonan yang tidak memenuhi syarat yang ditetapkan tidak dapat dipertimbangkan buat masa ini.
Sekian, harap maklum.'
i was practically swearing while reading the letter..
my lecturer said that i would be considered for the scholarship, even when i pointed out the rule about fininshing my Diploma first, but she insisted that it was ok..
she said the college administration also encourged me to apply..
she even ensured me that i would absolutely recieve the scholarship from MARA due to my excellent grades and records..
and that's why i'm so mad at her!!
she gave me false hope!!!
now i'm all angry and feeling hatred..
this feeling sucks!!
not so shining star~~
my lecturer said that i would be considered for the scholarship, even when i pointed out the rule about fininshing my Diploma first, but she insisted that it was ok..
she said the college administration also encourged me to apply..
she even ensured me that i would absolutely recieve the scholarship from MARA due to my excellent grades and records..
and that's why i'm so mad at her!!
she gave me false hope!!!
now i'm all angry and feeling hatred..
this feeling sucks!!
not so shining star~~
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
why I like you~~

Mood : hungry~~
who knew i could feel unlazy suddenly huh?..
well, yesterday a snake entered the house through the back door..
i just saw it once..
just a harmless 'ular daun'..
it was green, quite small..
i didn't take a picture coz.. well... it's just green..
moving on..
yesterday, i felt unlazy and went to the kitchen and cooked!!
talk about a turn of events..
i just cooked something simple..
ayam masak kicap and vegetables..
tastes quite good actually.. sedap weihh!!
i took a picture as proof..
looks tasty doesn't it?.. hahaha..
anyways, recently I bought a new handphone..
it's awesome, coz it acts as an mp3 for me..
and i'm like, so loving this phone..
here's a photo..
Sony Ericsson w350i..
i was currently listening to Mirotic by DBSK.. awesome sound system..
my sister is at the back, being a stalker..
but there was a sad story concerning this phone..
my sister spilled water on it.. (T.T)
i used hairdryer in the attempt to dry it, but i don't know if it really works..
*sob sob*
anyways, here's a picture of the scenery around campus..
it was a sea of yellow flowers..
i didn't edit this yet.. but it's ok i guess..
i'll edit it and post it up later..
anyways, i'm off..
being lazy again..
shining star~~
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I feel so lazyyyyyyyyy~~~

Mood : lazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
what to do??..
i'm so freaking lazy nowadays that it bugs me that i'm so lazy..
but i'm also lazy to do anything about being lazy..
talk about a problem..
anyways, my pockets are quite dry now..
i'm out of money..
bummer actually..
wanted to go out and find a job, but being so freakishly lazy, i decided against it..
maybe i should start an online business or something..
hurm, gotta think about that Clickbanks thing my mum talked about..
maybe i'll get some money through there..
i'm so broke!!!
on an unrelated topic, i went out n captured some pictures yesterday..
i'll post some up later..
well, that's all i guess..
shining star~~
Related to:
online business,
Saturday, April 11, 2009
time to relax...

Mood : resting..
it's Saturday!!..
i woke up late today, around 9.30a.m..
I've been sleep deprived this whole week, sleeping late and waking up early..
tiring sometimes.. (-.-;;
but last night i slept quite early, around 11..
well, it's kindda early right??..
i usually sleep around 1 to 3 am..
wake up for Subuh prayers and not sleep again..
well, sometimes!!
so it was awesome that i woke up late today!!
but so you know, i didn't miss my Subuh prayers..
just went back to sleep after it..
so not the 'anak dara' type..
sorry mummy~~~ (T.T)
well, i'm up now..
going to do stuff~~
shining star~~
Thursday, April 9, 2009
chatter friends!!
hahahaha... (^^,)
these are friends that i made on Chatango site..
mostly from Radio Hotfm Online..
hahahaha... (^^,)
these are friends that i made on Chatango site..
mostly from Radio Hotfm Online..
Kensuka @ Aqaff @ Zafran a.k.a Aqaff Zafran.. he's the one in black..

amimos @ zakwanim a.k.a Mohd Zakwanim Adam..

Ax|d a.k.a Amir Hamzah..

Louistl a.k.a Louis.. he's from UK, really interested in Anime..
these are friends that i met earlier, within a month after i joined the chatting place..
we've been quite close since then, until now..
most of them are crazy and hilarious to talk to..
but i also met some new friends.. (^^,)

lalaboyz a.k.a... erm, i don't really know his real name.. hahaha..
there's still another person, Namora a.k.a Zaara Ain..
she didn't include her real picture so i decided against posting the picture she's using now.. hahaha...
and also Emmetjb a.k.a. Fitri..
don't have a picture of him too..
anyways....... (^^,)
thanks guys and gals for being my friends!!
hope our friendship lasts forever!!
shining star~~
I just learned Photoshop..

Mood : giddy~~
i'm not saying that I'm stupid or anything, but i learned how to photoshop pictures now..
yay me!!.. (^^,)
and I'm also not ashamed to say that i learned it by observing my little sister edit pictures in there..
i think she's quite awesome, my lil sis..
anyways, this is a picture i edited using photoshop..
it's not that pretty but I'm quite proud of it, being my first time and all.. (^^,)

gonna figure out how to put frames later..
shining star~~
Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Mood : Stuffed~~
I just finished eating mee hoon and pulut kuning..
sedap weihh!!..
so full right now.. (^^,)
anyways, here are pictures of my birthday feast on the eve of my birthday..
my chocolate blueberry cake.. i'm not really a fan of blueberry but this cake was quite tasty.. my name is written in Korean.. cool innit?..
me with Super Juniors 3rd Album..
me... posing.. need I say more?..
just wanted to share it with you guys..
shining star~~
Related to:
3rd Album,
sorry sorry,
super junior
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Sunday, April 5, 2009
it finally CAME!!!

Mood : jumping!!!
on my trip to Malacca last month, i went and searched for Super Junior 3rd Album titled Sorry Sorry..
i didn't quite find it but i found a store that was willing to order it for me straight from Korea..
so cool!!
anyways, i payed the deposit, RM30, and left..
a few days later i had to return to Kedah but the CD was still not in my possession..
i asked my friend to collect the CD and post it to me when it arrives..
she shipped it on 31st March, but it only came today!!
guess the postman was not feeling like riding his bike all the way up the hill..
i went to the post office and took it by hand..
people are so lazy nowadays..
but he tried to flirt with me none-the-less..
i mean, what was that about??!!!
anyways, so there i was, thinking that the CD would be big like the second album, but it turned out it was only a CD with a booklet..
and there were no posters.. (T.T)
but the pictures were awesome none-the-less!!
the whole CD costs me RM68.. plus shipping, RM 2, so i spend RM 70 on an original Super Junior Album!!.. most expensive thing i ever bought..
but my sisters have decided to share ownership of the CD..
so we're splitting the total cost to 3 people..
meaning........... i'll get some money!!
hehehe.. kinda broke now..
i'll scan da booklet and post it later..
till then........................
shining star~~
Related to:
3rd Album,
sorry sorry,
super junior
pre-birthday celebration!!

Mood : hyper!!
some of you may not know that my birthday is coming this 7th April..
anyways, the in-laws of my sister came for an event at UUM..
they stayed at EDC Hotel near the campus..
my brother-in-law, Abg Hafiz, told them that 3 people in my family celebrated birthdays in April..
so they decided to buy us a pre-birthday feast, not a cheap one i might add!!
they bought us KFC and Pizzahut people!!
we practically stuffed our faces..
well, there goes my diet, but who cares right??!!
i made a video + speech before the feast started..
i'll post it up later..
until then................
bubye now!!
shining star~~
Friday, April 3, 2009

mood : relaxed
yesterday was 2nd April 2009, my mum's birthday!!.. (^^,)
happy birthday mum!!
i hope u liked your surprise dinner party!!..
and before that was 1st April, Uncle Syamsul's birthday, which we celebrated at a hotel..
it was planned as a surprise party by Uncle Syamsul's wife..
she secretly called my mum and invited us over to EDC Hotel..
he was quite surprised when my family sang 'Happy Birthday' to him..
we ordered foods, mine was spaghetti bolognise or something.. tastes quite nice actually..
i sat next to Maesha, uncle's daughter..
wait.. i think i failed to mention that they're not from Malaysia..
they're foreigners!!.. awesome ain't it?
neways, Maesha goes to my former high school, SMK Jitra, so in a far away way, she's my junior..
she's currently in Form 3 but she's only 14 years old..
awesome huh?.. (^^,)
since she's a foreigner, she's not able to talk or understand much Malay..
good thing there were some people there to help here with her studies..
anyways, after the dinner, we cut the cake and surprised uncle with another 'Happy Birthday' song in Korea..
it was a fun party non-the-less.. (^^,)
we came back home around 10pm with smiles on our faces..
and went to bed with full stomachs..
so once again,
happy birthday to Uncle Syamsul on 1st April..
happy birthday to my dearest mum on 2nd April..
as we near to 7th April, i will be the next in line to turn a year older..
here are some shots of the party..
party people.. (^^,)
birthday boy or guy??..
before dinner..
us siblings with Maesha..
shining star~~
Thursday, April 2, 2009
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