Mood : togetherness..
I went out today..
bought stuff..
saw people..
bla bla bla..
muahahahaha, gila malas siot..
harap maaf, kemalasan melampau sekarang nih..
just see some pics..
after all, it is worth a tousand words..

went to C-Mart with my sis, Kak Ijah..
kami comel bukan?
btw, she's eating crabcakes..
sedap dowh..

creativity goes a long way..
kalau korang la, korang akan beli n pakai tak seluar pelekat n seluar batik ni?
oh, btw, tomorrow at C-Mart, there's gonna be a performance by Hujan at 6 pm..
anyone interested?
I'm not..

saw lotsa white people, American if I'm not mistaken..
there's a seminar or something in UUM with lecturers from Harvard..
I guess these people were part of it?
weih, mamat atas nih ada tatoo siot kat tgn dia..
hahaha, aku jakun weih!

free samples..
ada sapa-sapa nak?

I was driving while taking this picture..
it's a good thing that pak cik didn't cross the road..
kalau tak, inalillah~~~

yes, I was still driving when I took this picture..
I like the view..
well, that's from today's activity..
will be more pictures but dunno when they'll be uploaded and edited..
stay tune~~
I'm going to a Karnival Penyayang in Alor Star tomorrow, helping doing stuff..
and no, I''m not getting paid for it..
wish I was though..
I'll be back online tomorrow afternoon or evening..
there better be lots of comments when I get back!!
ending note, stay safe and stay away from.....
Haram 1 Najis 1
take care awesome people!
shining star~~
you had a great day....What is karnival penyayang?....put some pictures on that wont ya?...
Wa.. saya pun nak belilah penutup mulut..
yeah, it was great.. karnival penyayang tu carnival amal sebenarnya.. so I did volunteer work la, jual2 stuff.. gila penat..
will update blog soon with pictures!.. (^^,)
beli2.. hahahaha.. that mask is free, btw.. ambek kat pusat kesihatan UUM.. hehehe..
hear him so much =)
wah,aksi2 merbahaya menngkp gmbr smbl sempoi je if takde org kn..hihi
Donghae is the coolest!.. hahaha..
ehehehe, my sis ada kat tepi sebnarnya, but was doing Sudoku..
mmg sempoi dan best!.. hahaha..
meh sini bagi aku menda free tuh..hahaha
nak ek?.. hahahaha.. harap maaf, utk females dan SHE-MALES sahaja.. muahahahaha!!
had a fun grocery shopping with you...
n drive carefully next time...
:) Smile Always
gambar last memang stok transformers. haha, eh, ko memang suka tgk cerita jepun ea? gambar mesti ada selebriti jepun kan? Haha, aku pun minat gak ar, ada satu cerita ni, hana kimi ngan satu lagi, absolute boyfriend. Oh best gler doh cerita tu! Heh
green khadijah..
and I you.. hehehe..
bukan jepun la weih, Korea.. jepun aku tak minat sgt, tp layan la jgk.. hehehe..
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