Mood : gaining weight
Assalamualaikum, hey ho awesome peeps, HI!.. how's your weekends?.. I hope it's going great.. since it is Saturday, I have been indoors today, doing assignments, revisions, finding journals for classes, etc. and was at the verge of exploding when I decided to take a break and chill in front of the TV.. ahhhh, better.. (^^,)
so I tuned in to DIVA Universal, or previously known as Hallmark, Astro channel 702, seeing fat people jumping around getting fit in Biggest Loser Asia season 2.. I mean, they are really HUGE!.. super fat, I tell you.. most of them let themselves go due to the hectics of their life, the indulgence of fat filled fast foods, and the little concern for health and fitness..

when I see them, full of fat and unfit, I reflected on myself.. I'm not really the true example of fat, but I was once chubby.. my heaviest weight was 64kg.. yes, I was once 64kg, laugh it out.. (-__-;; it's nothing to be proud of, but I just want to make a point that I was once fat, I mean chubby.. whatever.. anywayyyyyy.... I always made it a promise to NEVER let myself go to the extend to having 2 super ugly layers on myself.. you know, apart from my lady layer.. =P

so the chick in the picture above is obviously not me, what evs.. but rest assured, this will NEVER be me, InsyaAllah.. I currently weight 55kg, way along the line of normal and ideal weight for my height, 164cm.. so I'm good.. but I still want to weight my high school weight 50kg.. so I want to loose the excess 5kg.. anyone want em?.. =P
so let's walk down memory lane, and look at fat pictures of me.. wheeee!~~ these are from 64 - 58kg.. knock yourselves out with my chubbiness.. hehehe..
MEALCON - January 2010 (63kg)
Ulu Legong Homestay Project, Event Management class - April 2010 (62kg)
KFC Family hangout - June 2010 (59kg)
Gua Kelam Expedition - August 2010 (58kg)
then I started getting smaller and smaller, alhamdulillah.. I don't really have much secret to my weight loss, just taking care of what you put inside your body and do some exercise at least 3 times a week, at least.. this is to keep you fit.. there's no reason of you being skinny if you're not fit, right?.. huffing and puffing just from climbing the stairs?.. oh no no, that can't happen..
so I currently weight 56kg, errrr, I added another kg from Raya celebrations, haven't shake it out of my fatty systems yet, lol!~ so for that, I shall be exercising every evening, to shake off the 5 + 1kg that I still carry.. and it's not really fun to do this stuff alone, coz I need morale support.. so you guys out there, who think they need to loose some excess baggage around the tummy or thighs, let's all get fit by EXERCISING!.. wohooooo!~~
activities to slim down yourself can be simple easy doable things like lifting mineral bottles to act as dumbells, jumping jacks, crunches, anything to get your heart rate up and get the sweat out from your body.. you don't even have to go out under the sun if you don't want to.. hohoho.. so what are you waiting for?.. get off your butts and start exercising!.. let's get FIT TOGETHER!.. wohoooooo!~~ ~\(^o^)/~
p/s :- okay, have to finish my assignments, tests, projects, journal summaries, etc now.. student life is fun but tiring ftw.. (-__-;;
p/s: awk tetap comel wlaupn chubby...i like it...the way u are...whichever u are...=)
exercise lah.
sikit2 lama jd bukit.
I need some motivation!!!!Let's go to exercise!!!!
wahhh dear~ jelesnye.. sumi maintain jer.. 55kg.. sumi rendah so nampak chubby.. nk turun kan ke 50 xdapat2.. turun kejap naik balik.. nak advise plsss//
i wish i have that kinda spirit to lose weight
God, pls gimme strength!
aku 60 kg tak kecah pun
haha, neway congratz najmie sebab berjaya maintain figure persis beyonce,
hehehe, thank u dear.. :)
thanks.. zami pun exercise jugak, bagi fit dan sihat.. yay!.. (^^,)
yeah, lets go exercise together!.. CABI2!! XD
sis sumi..
hehehe, najmi byk kawal apa yg masuk dlm mulut ja.. klau rasa lapar, mkn, tp make sure tak byk sgt carbs, sbb nnt susah nak burn.. mkn ayam or daging, sumber protein.. n klau rasa mkn byk, pegi exercise bg bepeluh.. tu ja la kot.. :)
good luck sis!
need motivation?.. look at the fat people, and picture you are that size.. think how hard it is to move around and do lots of stuff if you're fat.. once you see it from their eyes, you'll get all the motivation u need to exercise.. better sooner than later my friend..
good luck!
hahahaha, ada2 ja ko.. ko mkn appeton weightgain la, senang citer..
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