Mood : hyped!
Assalamualaikum and hello awesome peeps!
I just want to wish to everyone a Happy New Year and I hope you're able to achieve your new years resolution.. a friend of mine posted on Facebook, "what's so great about next year, it's just a reminder that I'm closer to my death".. well, she is right, but I also believe that 2013 will be a great year, mostly it means I can finish what I've set to achieve before, better myself and my soft skills, get more knowledge, and just live.. hey, it might just be another number to some people, but to me, it means I still have a chance to correct my wrong-doings, apologize to the people I did wrong to, and to continue living, as a wife to my best friend.. hehehehe.. yes yes, I'm gonna get sappy now, coz in 28 days, I'm going to be married! ya Allah, is this really happening? =O
so I know what you're thinking, a wishlist for wedding presents? is she really that desperate? pffftt, what a lame! (okay2, please don't think of me like that) before you judge me, hear me out! grrrr..I was chatting with a friend of mine on Facebook and asked him to come to my wedding ceremony in Kedah.. our conversation went something like this..
me : dude, you HAVE to come to my wedding in February, you just gotta!
him : I'll think about it, where's your ceremony again?
me : Jitra, Kedah.. it ain't that far, it's only in Malaysia.. LOL
him : dude that's lame.. (-__-;; okay fine, I'll come.. so what do u want as a wedding present?
me : a BMW car, but we both know that's not gonna happen.. hahaha.. you can get me anything
him : be specific please, I do't want to give you something useless.. you got to give me a wedding wishlist or something..
me : a wishlist? serious? I've never heard of anyone having a wedding wishlist before..
him : just do it, then give em to me later, I got to go now.. chat later
me : okay, see ya
so ya, this wedding wishlist is for you! you better get me something from this list or I'm not giving you a slice of my wedding cake! LOL.. but in all seriousness, this wedding wishlist is a really good idea.. it serves as a guide to guests on what to get for the bride & groom for their wedding.. I wished my friends who got married previously would have given me a list so I could just buy 1 stuff from the list as my present.. it would seriously make it a lot easier for me, seriously.. but ya, here's my wishlist, things I would like to have around the house that would make me happier once I turn from a Ms. to a Mrs.. in 28 days! OMG!
1) Garment Steamer
I have always hated ironing clothes (coz I'm not ironman hahaha lame joke) so I would seriously appreciate it if someone gave this as a present.. it would help me a lot coz I would be doing ironing for my hubby soon too, A LOT of ironing.. oh the joy.. (-___-;;
2) Tefal sandwich toaster
I'm not a heavy breakfast eater and so is my future husband.. so this toaster would make it easier for me to make toast (hahaha lame joke captain obvious) in the morning before dashing off for work..
3) Electric Water Boiler
I like to drink hot milo sometimes and dunk some crackers with the milo and eat it as a snack so having a water boiler would be awesome. it'd be easier for me to make nescafe or tea for my hubby in the afternoon too..
4) Vacuum Cleaner
well, lest's be honest, this would seriously help with the house cleaning and I'd love to have a small compact one.. not much of a fan for big bulky ones..
5) Bedside Table Lamps
my future husband and I love to read books.. we bought a whole lot of books last time during Big Bad Wolf Booksale at Mines Convention Center.. we normally read at night so bedside table lamps would be awesome! and romantic too *ehem*
6) Air Purifier
after a long day at work, I'd love to come home to a sweet scent of the purified air.. it would do lots in making the house more livable as it is actually quite near to a sewage processing plant.. eh, not my current house, my future husbands house.. he warned me beforehand, so I won't die when I move in.. so help me by giving me this gift please..
7) A Knife Set
see, I like to be in the kitchen and I like to experiment and cook.. and I like to cut things.. I might not be skilled with the knife but at least with a knife set I know I have the perfect knife to cut my veggies, fish and meat and make my husbands tummy happy.. ^_^
8) Blender
so I've been watching and helping my mum in the kitchen and the blender is a tool that has been helping her cut down her cooking time.. it's seriously a must have in a kitchen, especially for busy people with jobs.. so I would really appreciate it if someone gave me one.. :)

9) Microwave Oven
I know this is kinda expensive and I'm not really sure if anyone would be generous enough to buy me this anyway.. but it is in my wishlist as it provides convenience for busy working people to eat healthy meals.. and no, microwave ovens are not only for junk food purposes, you can cook a lot of dishes with this oven..

10) Cookware Set
okay, I'm starting to see that most items on my wishlist has lots to do with the kitchen.. hmmm.. anyway, yeah, how am I suppose to cook if I have no pots and pans right? so this kind of presents are the best to have, especially to a new couple moving into a previously single persons house.. this is essential and would be the best present ever!
okay, so those are the things I think would help me as a Mrs. after the wedding that would benefit both me and my future husband.. there are some more that I haven't included in here coz I think it's too expensive and no one in their right mind would buy them for me, so yeah.. buttttttttt... I kinda have this 2 items that I wanna have personally.. not really meant to be shared much but I'd love you to death if you bought me these two items..
11) Nike + Fuelband
this is an awesome gadget that would help me calculate my steps, how much calories I burn and how much more I need to lose to achieve my daily goal.. and it also doubles as a watch.. it is super duper awesome and I seriously would love to have this item.. like seriously! ^^ it would totally help me to reduce my weight and keep fit..
12) A Yoga Mat
okay fine, this thing isn't really hard to find, but it's hard to find for me.. I don't really have time to go mat shopping and honestly speaking, I've been wanting this mat since 2 years ago.. not really for yoga, but more for exercise that needs me to lie down.. so yeah..
so there you have it, my wedding wishlist.. I'm not sure if you'd want to buy me anything from the list or buy me anything at all period, but at least I've given you a list to work with.. but honestly speaking, whatever you give me, I'd accept with an open heart and a sincere thank you.. I'm not that picky anyway, so why start now?.. =) and I would just be honoured to have you at my wedding, the presents is just a bonus.. your presence at my ceremony is what is important, to celebrate my happy day..
Happy New Year everyone! 28 days to go! ^_^
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