Assalamualaikum and hello awesome peeps!
it's been almost a month since I've became a wife and Alhamdulillah, everything is great! I've already moved into my husband's place in Puchong and I'm doing my best to turn the house into a home.. there's still a lot of work to be done tho but I'm sure everything will be just fine, insyaAllah.. :)
first and foremost I would like to thank my family members and my relatives for helping out with the wedding preparations and also on the wedding day itself, to my mum for helping me on the financial side (I just started working, not much money to go by yet), to my friends who came to the wedding reception in Kedah and in Perak thank you, to my husband's family and relatives thank you for accepting me into your big and fun family, and not forgetting, to my husband and best friend, Khairul Anwar, thank you for loving me and never giving up on me. I love you and may our love lasts till jannah, insyaAllah.. I will do my best to be the wife you want me to be.. :)
so on to photos! =D some of you might know that the akad and reception is for me and my older sister, Intan.. don't be fooled by her height, she's old-er than me.. hahaha.. she had gotten engaged last year in February while my engagement which was kinda short notice muehehe (hey, who knew I would have fallen in love with my best friend, right?) on June last year.. it came as a surprise to everyone actually coz I was not in any relationship at that time and everyone was freakishly curious as to who my fiancée was.. hahaha.. well now you know! =D
This is a picture with all my siblings, plus Intan's friend Mira (far right) who came to help out with the wedding
2 brides, 2 grooms, the merge of 3 families (I was nervous at this time, and tears of joy were shed when it was finalized.. tissue please!)
Alhamdulillah, I'm now married to my best friend of 4 years.. :) Thanks Rakna for coming!

Big family, right? ^_^

Aren't we just the happiest bunch?

meh full attire on the reception day..

yeah, my make up looks weird.. (-___-;; but the cake tastes awesome!
official photoshoot with BENPHOTOGRAPHY

yeah, we're crazy..
more photos are either on my Facebook page or is still with my photographer.. Am still waiting for them coz I myself didn't really take much photos.. credits for photos go to their respective owners.. I'm happy, alhamdulillah.. :)
and look, these are my sisters and brothers.. and also hubby..
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