Mood : cheerful!
ok, so you guys probably already know that I've been barely online this past 2 days..
rarely going to your awesome blogs and commenting to your awesome posts..
the reason was........
I attended a SIFE UUM Team Building session for 2 days, Friday and Saturday..
and I've just started breathing again today..
but I do want to share with you guys some pictures of the SIFE UUM dinner, hosted by my mum, in my house..
so apart from seeing pictures of Tomyam Steamboat, you'll also get to see glimsps of my house..
but not my room la, it's a total mess!!
okayyyyyy, too much info..
check out the pictures taken on Friday night, from 7.30pm till 11pm..
fuzzy Aaron..
Yi Chin and the twins, which I still cannot differentiate, are cutting the veggies..
Ray, the photographer..
Wan asking something to Yi Chin..
Ray, doing what he does best..
head chef, Wai Yan..
su-chef, Dawson..
and others..
meh kitchen was crowded dowh..
items (erk?) that will be added in the tomyam, thus making a steamboat..
nyum nyum!!

hard at work, Jai Baoi (sp?), Venus, and one of the twins preparing the items..
banyak tak?..

after the tomyam soup was done, we added the waiting items (hahaha!) and started filling our stomachs..
we were all famished..
it tasted awesome!!
the head chef can get married now..

hungry faces..

staring to get full..
I added the soup three times..
it was that good, you know?..

evidence of people in the house..
SIFE UUM t-shirt worn by Ray..
I want one too..
after we had dinner, Aaron wanted to sing, so we found a cd of Disney songs and everyone started singing!
kinda like karaoke without a mic..
it was fun dowh..
from another angle..
look at everyone's mouths, similiar isn't it?..
I forgot what we sang, but some of the songs were, Beauty and the Beast, I believe I can Fly, A Whole New World, and other Disney songs..
we had loads of fun, laughing and singing together..
miss that moment..

before everyone left..
missing :- Khaled, Ray (already left), Jamil, Rahman
hope we do this again soon guys!
the next day, Saturday, we went on a scouting mission..
we went to this place....
you know something?
I drove a MANUAL car, after 3 years of Automatic car..
don't worry, no one died..
I also learned a lot during these past 2 days, and have gotten to know the SIFE UUM members..
they are awesome people, regardless their race or gender..
I hope to gain more knowledge and experince working with them in the future..
as an ending note..
shining star~~
was looking at the pics and drooled over my keyboard....nyum nyum....ohhh nice bunch of people...looked sincere in friendship....
miahahaha, u should be drooling, coz it's really good!.. very tasty.. nyum nyum..
yeah, they are.. very nice people.. (^^,)
yeah I can tell...made me wished I was a sife hehhhe....
hahahaha, come n continue ur studies here in UUM, then u can be a sifer.. hehehe..
SIFE tu ape?
Students In Free Enterprise..
diorg cam satu international club dlm UUM.. tp bukan UUM ja ada, Uitm, UMS, UTP, n byk lg U yg ada kelab nih.. U kat luar negara pun ada tau..
fungsi diorg, membantu utk memajukan masyrakat disamping membuat projek2 yg mendtangkan hasil, samada dr segi sosial atau bisnes.. bagus tau kelab nih..
baru nk tnya SIFE tu ape.. dah terjawab.. ^_^
hahaha.. seb baik dh jawab kan.. kalau tak smua org nk tnya.. hehehe..
terlupa plak nk terangkan SIFE nih apa dlm entry.. hohoho..
oh saya suka this club and the majority is chinese i could say? hurmmm??
btw, u have a great time.. jeles jeles jeles.. saya di bilik baca drawings.. sedeh je.. ahahahha..
yeah, majority is Chinese.. but in Sife UUM, there's also international students.. also got Indians..
miahahaha, jeles lah byk2.. jahat tak?. XD XD XD
sehat???sajer tanya
sihat, alhamdulillah.. (^^,)
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