Assalamualaikum, good afternoon awesome peeps!.. initially, I wanted to blog about my experience at Nuffnang HQ but I think that would have to wait a bit..
this morning while I was searching for pictures of poor Malaysian women for my part time job as a Research Assistant, I came across a picture related to 3 Malaysian women who were caned early this year.. and they were Muslims.. part of the article caught my attention so I clicked on the link to read the article in whole.. it wasn't an article per say, but was a question posted on a website called SodaHead, which is all about opinions.. and truth be told, it was quite opinionated.. it was written by an American guy regarding the canning done on the 3 women, and how he wondered if they were brainwashed.. what got me riled up to write this blogpost is not much coz of the guy, but of the comments left under the article..

printscreen from SodaHead
what was he talking about?.. read the article below from 'Malaysia-today'..
Officials said the three women were caned on February 9 at a women's prison outside the capital Kuala Lumpur after being convicted of "khalwat" or "close proximity" between an unmarried couple.
"I hope this will not be misunderstood until it defiles the purity of Islam," Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said according to state media.
"The punishment is to teach and give a chance to those who have fallen off the path to return and build a better life in future," he said, adding that none of the three sustained any injuries.
Hishammuddin said the three women and four men were caned following a December decision in the religious courts -- which operate in parallel to the civil system in Malaysia.
He said one woman was released from prison last Sunday while another will be freed in several days and the third will be released in June.
February 20th, 2010 - Three Muslim women who were the first in Malaysia to be caned for having sex outside marriage this morning claimed the punishment was an opportunity for them to repent.
Prison authorities caned the women last week after an Islamic Shariah court issued the penalty.
The caning has outraged rights groups and revived speculation that conservative Islamists, who advocate harsh punishment, are gaining influence in the country.
The three women, aged 17-25, said they turned themselves in after feeling guilty for sleeping with their boyfriends before marriage and getting pregnant.
Malaysian justice: Prison staff demonstrate to the media how the caning process was done at the Kajang prison outside Kuala Lumpur
The 17-year-old told reporters that she surrendered to Islamic authorities after her prematurely born child died.
She is now serving a six-month prison sentence.
‘I know I have sinned, and I have to be punished. Strangely however, I felt that the caning was not a form of punishment but was an opportunity for me to repent and return to the right path,’ she said.
She has already married her boyfriend, who has also been caned and jailed over the offence.
The other women, who have one young child each, are planning to marry their partners after they are released.
The men were also caned for having sex.
One woman, aged 25, said she was scared before the caning but knew she deserved the punishment.
All three women called on others not to make the same mistake and abstain from sex before marriage.
A Prison Department official confirmed the women’s comments, made at a news conference at the women’s prison outside Kuala Lumpur to local, government-linked media under the watch of authorities.
He said they were reluctant to speak to other media.
It could not be confirmed whether they were speaking voluntarily. request with the department for interviews is pending.
Deputy Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin defended the caning this morning, saying it was ‘far lighter’ than what some people might imagine.
‘The punishment is legitimate and in accordance with the law,’ Muhyiddin said.
Human rights groups have slammed the caning, saying it is a cruel and degrading punishment and discriminates against Muslim women because Malaysian civil law – which applies to non-Muslims – bans the caning of women.
The women, who were fully clothed and sitting on a stool, received between four and six strokes with a thin rattan stick on the back, lasting a few minutes.
Malaysia has a two-tier justice system.
Shariah courts deal with personal matters for Muslims, who account for about two-thirds of the country’s 28 million people, while non-Muslims – many of whom are ethnic Chinese and Indians – go to civil courts.
again, keep an open mind, and also, please mind your language if you decide to comment on this post.. no cursing or degrading other peoples religion either please.. you'll find my opinion and remarks under the comments posted, agree or disagree, I don't care.. but if my facts are wrong, please enlighten me as to why I was wrong, thank you..

this is wrong on so many levels..

and to add on that, Islamic views and values have been in Malaysia since wayyyyyyyyy before our independence.. believe it or not, these 3 women got off easy compared to the original punishment stated in the Holy Quran.. and both men and women are punished in the case of adultery and premarital sex, not just women so it's by far biased.. the reason of canning is for repentance of their sin and also to show to the public that the sin committed was wrong and to not commit it themselves.. there is a cause to every reason and action.. you do something bad, you get the punishment, simple as that.. whether their repentance is accepted or not by Allah S.W.T. is entirely up to Him, wallahua'lam..

like I said, not a sexiest issue, not biased.. both men and women got their punishment..

and here are some response from a CNN article regarding this matter.. click to enlarge, and my response to the comment is also included.. agree or disagree, I don't really care.. but if you think I'm wrong, enlighten me without cursing please.. thank you..

and there are also reasons why women are not allowed to have more than 1 husband.. there might be confusion and complication as to whom the child of the woman belongs to if she was to marry 4 husbands which will then result in confusion when the daughter wants to marry, as in Islam, the father will pass the daughter to the future husband trough a ceremony called 'akad nikah'.. if the said 'father' is not the real biological father, the marriage will not be accepted by Islam and they will live a life of sin due to the mix up, even if they did not know it, - wallahua'lam - and this problem will be passed down to another generation and another generation.. it will also complicate the writing of the will in terms of distribution of assets from parents when they die..
and personally, I don't mind if my future husband marry another wife, but I have my conditions too la.. hehehe.. =P

and women are put on a high pedestal for a reason, they are sacred, their honour and dignity should be preserved, that is why we, the women cover ourselves, because we believe that.. we are a rare diamond only for 1 man, which is the's what stated in our religion, and we believe in it.. and hey, you have your own religion and believes too, am I right?.. and I do respect your religion, and I'm hoping you would respect mine too..

and so, these were from Americans point of view.. it's a very touchy subject when it comes to religion, especially Islam, as not everyone understand what it's about and how the system works.. all the world know and seem keen on believing that Islam is a terrorist religion and unfair to its women, and boy, they're so wrong.. oh well, the only way to change the world is by changing yourself, so instead of lashing out to the world, stop and think how you can improve the situation for you first.. others will follow eventually.. (^^,)
OMG, this entry is so long, I just noticed.. hahaha.. sorry bout that.. and the comments on this blogpost is going to be moderated, in case someone decides to curse and use unnecessary words and vowels.. you may comment if you choose to, share with others about your thoughts regarding this subject, but please, you civilized words, and have decent manners please..
thank you! (^^,)
Waaduuh pjg nye najmie huhu. komen dulu, malam karang usha ek. kat ofis ni biasa la hehehe
I must say, this entry really riled me up. I agree to most of your views. The caning was not barbaric and the women were not brainwashed.
'Caning' itself in Islam is done following a few guidelines. They don't simply lash out. It is meant to teach and for repent.
And Islam is NOT biased. The men do get punishments as well.
Americans might not understand the gravity of illicit relationships in Islam. It is like you had mentioned. There are reasons men are allowed to marry 4 while the women are allowed only one husband.
Basically, yeah. I agree with you.
I'm not making anymore sense -_-;;
Good post >_@b
You should spread it.
no probs..
hehehe, yeah I gather that u agree with me that much.. thanks!.. (^^,)
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