Mood : (^^,)
Assalamualaikum awesome peeps, good evening!.. I really really really really really REALLY wanted to write a full blog post on my experience at Nuffnang HQ a few weeks back, but is unable to without them awesome photos.. wuwu.. I wanna show you pictures of Veen Dee and Rob and the other awesome nuffies and my nuff footprint on their wall but them pictures aren't with me now.. sangat sedih! okeh, nak nangis sekarang.. (T^T)
eh kejap kejap!.. I'm not doing this blogpost coz I'm sad, but it's coz I'm super happy!.. Nuffnang really really loves me! wheeeee!~~ =D I got another email from NN saying that I won ANOTHER goody bag for Project Alpha Ruumz Daily Contest! wheeee!~~ berapa banyak kali wheee sudah.. (-__-;;

the previous goody bag I got contained a Adidas Action 3 deodorant and a really awesome Ruumz notebook.. I took em pictures but like I said, is unable to post it yet.. wawawa.. sedih siot.. (T^T) so I will be dropping by the NN HQ again in the near future, insyaallah, and see them awesome nuffies again.. wheeee, can't wait!! =D hope I can claim another prize if I were to give NN HQ another visit coughprojectalphaguestbloggergrandprizecough but I'm not putting my hopes up too high.. but the possibility is there.. hehehe.. =P
I really would like to thank Project Alpha and its sponsors, and not forgetting Nuffnang, for giving me the opportunity to win them fabulous prizes.. you guys ROCK!! =D
You're coming to KL?
for SIFE National Competition in July..
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