Mood : procrastinating..
raya festive is just around the corner..
the excitement is in the air..
I bet everyone is busy preparing for it..
you can see happy faces of children,
eager to fill their tummies with raya cookies and their pockets with raya money..
the faces of worried grown-ups,
the spending budget is way over the limit, and it's not even raya yet!
the worried faces of working people,
having to spend money for their nieces and nephews..
in the homes,
mothers and sisters cleaning and rearranging furniture..
the fathers and brothers painting the house and cleaning the garden..
on the streets,
people busy and eagerly doing last minute raya shopping..
the men for their Baju Melayu, the women for their Baju Kurung..
matching coloured clothing is a must between girlfriend and boyfriend..
the women, fussing to match their raya clothing with other accessories, hand bags, shoes, 'bling-bling', tudung..
doing kuih raya shopping, or even making their own..
everyone is in the festive mood for raya..
but why am I not?
shining star~~
kamoo dpt lihat muka daku..
muka penuh berharap mnunggu dwet raya kamoo..
hhuhu i'm afraid i'll miss it.. so i say it now: SELAMAT HARI RAYA MAAF ZAHIR.. BATIN X DE KN!!! hahaha
tak payah bazir2.
tanak tgk muka kamooooo.. kekeke..
duit raya?.. harap maaf, ptptn belum msuk jadi kerajaan mengharamkan bg duit raya.. hahaha.. (^^,)
hahaha.. ok, thanks!.. selamat hari raya aidilfitri, maaf zahir ja jugak.. hahaha..
hohoho.. alhamdulillah, tak membazir duit sendiri, duit mak lain cerita.. hahaha..
selamat hari raye :)
thanks dear.. selamat hari raya to u too!!.. (^^,)
may be as we grow up, the way we view the world is different.. masa kecil, eager to have a new baju raya, kutip duit raya but bila dah besar benda itu actually is a small things.. sebab ada benda yang lebih besar yang patut kita fikir..
i guess soo..
it's up t0 u.
well, u cant f0rce urself t0 be excited.
btw, i'm feelin da same.
n0t s0 excited la this raye.
i dunn0 y.
juz let it be...
we'll see wat happen next.
maybe kot.. coz I seriously have no mood for raya.. kinda critical.. I need help.. hohoho.. T____T
yeah dear, you're right.. I can't be forced to be excited, so are u right?.. hurmm..
where did our excitement for raya go huh?.. such a mystery.. hohoho..
sama la kite naj...aku pun x excited nk raya...xtau knpe...hmm~
anyway, nk wish, selamat hari raya...maaf zahir batin hehe :)
feeling old suddenly?
owh mengapakah not in the mood raya
raya itu indah..lagi2 kalau beraya bersama saya
sila join saya beraya..jom3
ada masalah tol lah kita nih kan?.. huhuhuhu..
selamat hari raya, maaf zahir!.. batin takdak kot.. hahaha.. (^^,)
why didn't u log in?.. weird.. I'm not feeling old, this raya just feels empty.. huhu..
miss oren..
raya mmg indah, tp lagi indah kalau bila beraya bersama kamu dan kamu memberi duit raya RM50 kpd sy.. oh, sgt gumbira!
saya akan cuba bekerja keras membanting tulang demi memberi kamu rm 50..huhu
miss oren..
wah2, sgt gumbira sy bila mendapat rm50 dr kamu!.. (^^,)
Haha...lol...I was in image manipulation class at that time.
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