Mood : sleepy
hi ya awesome people, miss me?..
miahahaha, prasan sengsorang..
it's been like, a week since I updated..
been busy, with MEALCON, with other studying stuff and what not..
I so wanted to update, believe me, I did..
but sadly, I wasn't able to..
so you guys were free from reading weird stuff from me..
but here I am!!
talking- eh, typing- here, and you reading it..
padan muka!
ok, stop talking crap now..
I wanna share with you on what happened with SIFE UUM's project that was finally executed last week, MEALCON 2010..
I held the position of secretary so I did the paperwork and other related secretarial stuff..
however, on the event, I was entrusted to become one of the MC (master of ceremony)..
one of, my partner in crime was Mr Aevin Raaj..

we became MC's, talked crap, laughed at our own jokes, and I nearly died from laughter..
so much fun..
just so you know, MEALCON stands for Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention organized by SIFE UUM with the support of CEDI on 29, 30th January 2010..
A total number of 11 universities participated in this event..
It was officiated by Dato' Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir
(the deputy minister of trade and international industry)..

you can obviously see me there, right?..
We invited 8 distinguished speakers which are:-
1. Yeoh Chen Chow
2. Rene Tan Vien Gen
3. Roslan Bakri Zakaria
4. Azim Pawanchik
5. Borhan Sidek
6. Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim
7. Tuan Haji Jamalluddin
8. Azman Noor Merican
erm, I actually wanted to type lots of things but I'm oh so sleepy..
so just enjoy some pics instead..

1st rehearsal..

2nd rehearsal, other day..
1 Malaysia maa..

event day..
I'm too tall.. (-__-;;

dinner with participants from visiting universities..

night safari in UUM..
one guy asked, "are there any tigers?"

2nd day of MEALCON..

Azim Pawachik's workshop..
guess what we were doing?..
ok, I'm too sleepy..
maybe I'll update later..
not now, later~~
oh oh oh oh..
Thank you for everyone who joined in this event!!
the sponsors, CEDI, SIFE UUM, lecturers, committee members, uum students and visiting students..
you guys are awesome!!
shining star~~
miahahaha, prasan sengsorang..
it's been like, a week since I updated..
been busy, with MEALCON, with other studying stuff and what not..
I so wanted to update, believe me, I did..
but sadly, I wasn't able to..
so you guys were free from reading weird stuff from me..
but here I am!!
talking- eh, typing- here, and you reading it..
padan muka!
ok, stop talking crap now..
I wanna share with you on what happened with SIFE UUM's project that was finally executed last week, MEALCON 2010..
I held the position of secretary so I did the paperwork and other related secretarial stuff..
however, on the event, I was entrusted to become one of the MC (master of ceremony)..
one of, my partner in crime was Mr Aevin Raaj..

we became MC's, talked crap, laughed at our own jokes, and I nearly died from laughter..
so much fun..
just so you know, MEALCON stands for Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention organized by SIFE UUM with the support of CEDI on 29, 30th January 2010..
A total number of 11 universities participated in this event..
It was officiated by Dato' Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir
(the deputy minister of trade and international industry)..

you can obviously see me there, right?..
We invited 8 distinguished speakers which are:-
1. Yeoh Chen Chow
2. Rene Tan Vien Gen
3. Roslan Bakri Zakaria
4. Azim Pawanchik
5. Borhan Sidek
6. Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim
7. Tuan Haji Jamalluddin
8. Azman Noor Merican
erm, I actually wanted to type lots of things but I'm oh so sleepy..
so just enjoy some pics instead..

1st rehearsal..

2nd rehearsal, other day..
1 Malaysia maa..

event day..
I'm too tall.. (-__-;;

dinner with participants from visiting universities..

night safari in UUM..
one guy asked, "are there any tigers?"

2nd day of MEALCON..

Azim Pawachik's workshop..
guess what we were doing?..
ok, I'm too sleepy..
maybe I'll update later..
not now, later~~
oh oh oh oh..
Thank you for everyone who joined in this event!!
the sponsors, CEDI, SIFE UUM, lecturers, committee members, uum students and visiting students..
you guys are awesome!!
shining star~~
to be truth, i'm not really interested in that kind of event since i'm not a academic guy
but i salute you la for being the emcee in such event
great accomplishment!
what a brave..
nice dress u've got there..
and congrats..
nice baju dear!
n congrats! ;)
boleh la belanja makan now that the event has proved to be quiet a success!
(tak malu mintak orang belanja makan :P)
it's not much of an academic event..
it focuses on entrepreneurship and leadership..
plus it helped me to better understand event management..
thanks! I always want to improve myself gradually.. who knows, I might be someone big in the future.. (^^,)
hehehe, yeah.. I was nervous yet excited at the same time.. thanks for the compliments..
thank u dear.. (^^,)
merissa k..
ahaha, kenapa u tak dtg aritu?.. UTP antar 15 people tau.. I met qayyum, liyana, ariff zaky and the others.. bila i tanya, kenal tak fatul akrul ramli?.. smua jawab kenal.. cett, femes rupanya bdk tu.. haha.. =P
tp i tak tnya plak pasal u.. forgot u r also studying there.. sorry.. hehe..
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