Mood : =)
I'm pretty much sure you guys noticed my lack of blog updating this past month, right?..
I can't blame you, coz I have been neglecting my blog..
it's not that I don't have things to blog about, it's coz I don't have the time to blog about it..
I'm rarely online nowadays, just for a few minutes or an hour or two, but that's all..
and I'll still be busy this coming week, during mid semester break and also a week after that..
I'll tell ya later..
now I wanna share some photos of the MEALCON 2010 committee dinner at EDC Hotel on 4th February 2010..
but before that,
a quick intro to what Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention or MEALCON was all about..
on 29th and 30th January 2010,
SIFE UUM has officially executed a mega project that involved 150 UUM students and other students from visiting universities such as UTP, USM, UTHM, UMT, UMP, UNIMAP, UPNM, and a few others..
the 2 day convention featured distinctive speakers such as
1. Yeoh Chen Chow from
2. Rene Tan Vien Gen from Leaderonomics
3. Roslan Bakri Zakaria from MDEC
4. Azim Pawanchik from Alpha Catalyst Consultant
5. Borhan Sidek from SME Corp
6. Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim from Johor Corporation
7. Tuan Haji Jamalluddin from KFC Holdings
8. Azman Noor Merican from MDEC
the program also was privileged to have Yg Berhormat Dato' Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir, Deputy Minister of Ministry of International Trade Industry, as the honoured guest and officiator of MEALCON 2010..
success of the program was certain, even if there were a few glitches along the way..
the MEALCON team did our very best, before, during and after the event to ensure an unforgettable experience for its participants..
and for all our hard work, SIFE UUM has rewarded its MEALCON committee members to a dinner at EDC Hotel..


free style!!~~

making our way to dinner..

picture time!


MEALCON certificate..


with venus and jin nee..

ever lasting memories, cherished forever..
we had laughs and took a tonne of pictures, but all in all, what really mattered was the memories we had together throughout the whole event..
and even though I was the only Malay there wearing tudung, I didn't feel out of place..
I love all these wonderful people, and had lots of memories with them..
I learned a lot through this event, and made friends with other races..
and frankly speaking, they are just people, like you and me..
there's no reason to feel scared or inferior to them..
yes, there were things I didn't understand about their culture, but I asked..
communication barrier?..
not really..
everyone speaks Bahasa, or even English..
and some are broken compared to others..
but guess what, we learned to improve ourselves, together..
we are no more diverse according to races..
there are
No Malays,
NO Chinese,
NO Indians..
shining star~~
p/s :- patriotik tak?.. =)
I'm pretty much sure you guys noticed my lack of blog updating this past month, right?..
I can't blame you, coz I have been neglecting my blog..
it's not that I don't have things to blog about, it's coz I don't have the time to blog about it..
I'm rarely online nowadays, just for a few minutes or an hour or two, but that's all..
and I'll still be busy this coming week, during mid semester break and also a week after that..
I'll tell ya later..
now I wanna share some photos of the MEALCON 2010 committee dinner at EDC Hotel on 4th February 2010..
but before that,
a quick intro to what Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention or MEALCON was all about..
on 29th and 30th January 2010,
SIFE UUM has officially executed a mega project that involved 150 UUM students and other students from visiting universities such as UTP, USM, UTHM, UMT, UMP, UNIMAP, UPNM, and a few others..
the 2 day convention featured distinctive speakers such as
1. Yeoh Chen Chow from
2. Rene Tan Vien Gen from Leaderonomics
3. Roslan Bakri Zakaria from MDEC
4. Azim Pawanchik from Alpha Catalyst Consultant
5. Borhan Sidek from SME Corp
6. Tan Sri Muhammad Ali Hashim from Johor Corporation
7. Tuan Haji Jamalluddin from KFC Holdings
8. Azman Noor Merican from MDEC
the program also was privileged to have Yg Berhormat Dato' Mukhriz Tun Dr Mahathir, Deputy Minister of Ministry of International Trade Industry, as the honoured guest and officiator of MEALCON 2010..
success of the program was certain, even if there were a few glitches along the way..
the MEALCON team did our very best, before, during and after the event to ensure an unforgettable experience for its participants..
and for all our hard work, SIFE UUM has rewarded its MEALCON committee members to a dinner at EDC Hotel..


free style!!~~

making our way to dinner..

picture time!


MEALCON certificate..


with venus and jin nee..

ever lasting memories, cherished forever..
we had laughs and took a tonne of pictures, but all in all, what really mattered was the memories we had together throughout the whole event..
and even though I was the only Malay there wearing tudung, I didn't feel out of place..
I love all these wonderful people, and had lots of memories with them..
I learned a lot through this event, and made friends with other races..
and frankly speaking, they are just people, like you and me..
there's no reason to feel scared or inferior to them..
yes, there were things I didn't understand about their culture, but I asked..
communication barrier?..
not really..
everyone speaks Bahasa, or even English..
and some are broken compared to others..
but guess what, we learned to improve ourselves, together..
we are no more diverse according to races..
there are
No Malays,
NO Chinese,
NO Indians..
shining star~~
p/s :- patriotik tak?.. =)
Great to hear that you enjoy MEALCON! All the best!
i always wanted to learn other languages like English, Japanese, France and Mandarin
nice you got that chance
maybe they can teach you mandarin after this
1MALAYSIA! what I think I should say
chen chow..
OMG, u read my blog!! ahahaha.. =P thanks!..
I haven't reached a high level of other language mastery yet to teach people.. hohoho..
great function and persons...
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