Mood : grey
I'm seriously pissed off right now but I don't know the real reason why..
I feel mad, angry, aggravated, and annoyed to no one in particular but the feelings are as I said..
dem it weih..
I hate feeling like this!!
dem ittttttttt...............
suddenly I really2 hate this stupid keyboard..
I keep misspelling the words..
duck you keyboard!!!!!
I suddenly feel resentment towards this certain person..
duck you certain person!!!!!
I hate my resentment..
duck you resentment!!!!!!!!!!!
and all this typing is not doing much help to my feeling of hatred..
so imma go now..
shining star~~
slalunye kalau emosi tak stabil..mesti sbb sakit perempuan neh..hehehe..
opsss... shhh!
hahaha.. =D =D
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