Mood : Nora-ko~~
my current obsession is taking pictures..
I take my mum's digital camera everywhere with me..
I snap anything and everything..
see, I'm obsessed!
but check out the pictures I took from today..
I went to Perlis again today..
check out the view!!

hahaha, that cop was funny..
he said, 'Jangan la ambek gmbar, pakcik tak pkai gigi palsu nih.'
:D :D :D

entrance to UUM..
losta cars..
today's the new students intake for this session..
I'm gonna go and find some stuff to snap at..
lotsa people, lotsa models that I don't have to pay!

tired families..
that guy's wearing his tie backwards..
talk about fashion crime..

that guy was posing kot..
prasan much?

can you see what that guy in orange is holding?..
well, that's practically all..
talk to you guys later..
and don't forget to check out my other blog by clicking [here]
thanks a lot!!
shining star~~
gua nak ajak lu dtg kenduri kt blog gua..ikut baca doa skali pun takpa..
kali ke empat gua buat kenduri ni...
mengingatkan pada time my registration dulu..waaa~ i miss my junior year!
FdausAmad.. kenduri?.. huhuh.. dh kenyang laa.. but thanks anyway.. (^^,)
miss nana.. rindu ek?... hehehe.. saja ja bosan, so pegi scouting gambar.. best jgk.. tp penat laa.. n sgt ramai org n kereta..
weh, 120 pown coz nak copat sampai doh... erm i do look nice when i'm driving...wewe~ love the picture!
hahaha.. sebok!
still laju and dangerous la..
suka gambar sawah padi tu. cantik gler ah. Memang scenery yang best kan? Hehe
yeah, sawah padi mmg best, nmpk mcm kapet ijau.. mesti rasa cam nk guling2 ja kat atas tu.. hehehe..
kenapa lah depa buat registeration waktu sekolah......wahida nak pi gak huhuhuhuhuhuh
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