Mood : bonding..
I recently got new neighbors, foreigners..
the father is a lecturer, from French..
and his wife is from Korea!!!
she's not here yet, ETA 10 days..
so we'll probably hang out a lot once the mother arrives..
the family will be my neighbor for about 3 months..
oh ya, they also have a 15 year old daughter named Daphnee..
she's cool and fun to hang out with..
she was into synchronize swimming but quit afterwards cause the team had some problems..
she's also athletic and loves to go to the gym..
I'm thinking of going out to the gym or to the swimming pool one day with her..
am hoping so, cause it can help me reduce my weight faster..
but I need to find my sisters swimming suit first..
it's a muslimah one piece suit, she bought it during her studies in IIUM..
will update on that later..
anyways, I went to Yayasan Sultanah Bahiyah this morning with my mum and 3 of her SIFE students..
I was the driver..
we picked them up at Petronas College and went to Alor Star..
we got there early so we sat in the waiting room..
we got the annual report magazine for the year 2008 which listed all the achievements made by YSB..
my eyes saw something interesting..
YSB Extreme Team..
I asked the guy and he said that the team has been in lotsa tournaments and competitions worldwide..
and they have also won..
the sports are skateboarding, bmx thingy and this other thing..
so I was wondering..
I read somewhere that Kedah has its own parkour group..
and if these people are willing to go through some hardship, they can contact the people at YSB cause they can help you boost the name of the game..
you'll be invited to demos, expos, carnivals, etc and make the public more aware of parkour..
I could help since my mum got some connections there, but I don't have all the infos about the sport to elaborate to the board members..
in case anyone is interested, leave me feed backs okies..
so after the informational morning, we headed home, stopping by to Jo Cendul Pulut along the way..
but I didn't have any of the cendul pulut, don't like it..
I had fried kweteow..
it was ok..
we also stopped by at Wahidas new school to pick her up..
I had to cook for her since she didn't have anything to eat..
sooooooooo, I made fried rice..
a bit on the spicy side but still edible..
so that concludes todays activities..
shining star~~
hi there....
nama saya muhamad hafiz, awk boleh panggil sy apit...
sy trtarik dgn knyataan awk tntang parkour di kedah...
sy adlh presiden bg kumpulan parkour di kedah dan tak lama lagi kami akn tubuhkan komuniti...
so sy trbaca yg mak awk ada hubungan dgn YSB, dn awk bleh tlg...
so ini email sy (collapseofhappines@rocketmail.com)...
klu awk bly tlg mesej sy dlm email k...
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
New People in My Life
ohhh r u any good in swimming?....I like swimming....
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