Mood : wiped..
I'm so tired..
lots of stuff happened..
I went to Alor Star again today..
mum, me and my new neighbours daughter, Daphnee..
first stop, the hospital..
mum wanted to x-ray something but later found out that that service was only available on Sundays..
the hospital is infested with sick people coz they were doing some H1N1 screening..
hope I didn't catch anything from the aunty who sat next to me there..
our next stop, Star Parade Mall..
we searched for a batik shirt for Daphnees father, a blouse for Daphnee and also a head scarf..
she wants to go to the mosque this Friday so she has to be properly dressed..
she is quite interested to study Islam..
here's a picture of her trying on the head scarf..

it's kinda cute..
but she didn't buy this one..
she bought a black blouse with grey embroidery and beads..
she's gonna wear that to the mosque..
we couldn't find a cheap batik shirt for her dad so we went back to Jitra..
it's way cheaper there..
so we got a blue batik shirt..
it was handsome I tell you..

Daphnee and me in front of Yawata..
after our shopping was done, we went to pick up Wahida from school..
next stop, lunch!!
we ate at this new place I never knew existed in UUM..
the atmosphere was nice but the bill wasn't so nice..

Daphnee ate using her hands for the first time today..
we made plans to go to the UUM sports complex for a game of squash..
it was my first time playing that and I sucked!!
but I think if I practiced some more, I'll get good at it..
after an hour of sweating, we went to the gym..
more sweating but I burned more calories there too..
gila penat weih..

squash crazed people..

run girls, runnnnnn!!!
we went to the complex at 5 pm and returned at 7pm..
worthwhile 2 hours I tell you..
we might be going to the go-kart tomorrow..
I'm so excited!!
I'll tell you what happens ok..
oh ya, my friend, Aan, ym-ed me and told me that the practical results are out..
I'll have to call the college tomorrow to get my result..
I hope I get an A..
nite awesome people!!
shining star~~
no thanx here young lady??
ouw come on...
btw u havent told ur result yet..
ohhh...what did u get?....must be good....
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