Mood : not a secret nemore..
the UPU results came out today..
I got an offer from Darul Iman University in Terengganu..
Degree in English with Honours..
I didn't even apply there but I got it..
kinda weird though..
I was thankful, but I don't think I'll accept the offer..
I mean, it's all da way on the other side of the country..
however I did surf the website..
the facilities looked ok but the girls have to wear baju kurung only..
boring much?..
I already had to endure wearing baju kurung for 2 and a half years in Malacca, so I think I'll pass this one..

I'm waiting to start my semester in UUM, Northern University..
but there are some technical difficulties..
UUM says that the course I took in KPM Malacca did not get the LAN certificate..
so instead of starting in July, I have to start in December..
but my mum said she'll try her best to get me to start soon..
but I honestly don't know when soon is..
I'm gonna write a letter of appeal to the university..
hope I'll get in..
anyways, Daphnees mother just arrived from Korea this morning so we'll go and drop by their house around 1pm..
waiting for it..
axiety awaits..
shining star~~
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