Mood : hyped!!
well, the reason for this post is to inform you on my trip to Penang and KL..
it wasn't really a holiday, so to speak but I had fun none-the-less..
I was in Seberang Jaya, Penang from 28th till 4th June for working purposes..
Bumiputera Entrepreneurship Expo (Ekspo Usahawan Bumiputera)..
I was helping out the company I did practical for in December last year to 'jaga' their booth..
it wasn't really that hard for me coz I have the product knowledge, even though I didn't really work there..
there were 5 promoters, me included, but one of them had an emergency and had to return home..
it was left to the 4 of us, Zul, Shah, Intan and me..
we ended up close and formed a great bond of friendship..
awesome ain't it?
well, I have to admit, I was quite shy on the first day..
it took a lot of guts to approach a person or family walking by the booth and convince them to buy our products..
believe me, it was tough for the first few hours on the first day, but I still managed to make some sales..
however, things took a different twist when my allergies attacked..
can you believe it, I'm actually allergic to the products I'm selling!!
talk about bummer!!
my face puffed up and all itchy and what not..
but thankfully, alhamdulillah, it was just mild and I could still conceal it with make up..
thank you cosmetics!!
snaps taken in our booth..
note: the things on my sister's face are not pimples but stickers..
I also wore them on the first day but I got a rash.. hahaha..
I lost all my shyness on the second day onwards and sold lots of products, but I steered clear of the two products I'm deathly allergic to..
I can't take too many chances right?..
but it did hurt my chances of a higher commission..
well, guess you win some and you lose some..
I also met loads of awesome people there, people I'll remember for a long time..
being stuck at the expo for 7 days can form bonds, you know..
my sister and I made great friends from other booth people and also traded phone numbers..
but I didn't really give mine to many people, just some really close people..
my sis gave her number to loads of people, for networking purposes of course..
she is the Marketing Executive after all..
but the people she gives her business card to tends to be men..
I wonder why..
we normally set up the stuff in our booth at 10.30 a.m. and close up the booth at 10.30 p.m..
but it differs from day to day, depending on the sales or the volume of people at the expo..
there's not much customers in the morning and afternoon but around 5 o'clock, people starts arriving in truckloads!
but they usually just cruise by our booth area, not really stopping to chat..
which makes it kinda hard for us..
I mean, they have a lot of booths to go to, about 500 other booths!!
talk about competition..
I learned a lot in the 7 days working as a promoter..
I learned that not everyone is interested in your products..
not everyone wants to stop and listen to you..
not everyone is nice..
not everyone is friendly..
and not everyone is easily persuaded..
seriously, I've had my fair share of being turned down by customers..
some were polite, but some were quite rude..
it's a good thing I don't take much to heart, or I might end up crazy!
at the end of the day, what really matters are the experience and the sense of accomplishment..
and believe me, I felt both..
and it's a good feeling that I want to feel again someday, Insyaallah..
yes, working can be tiring, but it is also fulfilling..
being a promoter might seem like a petty job, but what can I say, I like this kind of job..
but it doesn't make me petty..
well, moving on...
on 4th June, my family came to the expo to pick up my sister, Intan and I to go to KL..
my little sister, Aini is furthering her studies at Cosmopoint, taking Diploma in Multimedia Application..
so we were in the car for a couple of hours, where Intan and I slept our butts off..
covering for the lack of sleep for the past 7 days..
we reached my sisters' in-laws house in Gombak around 9pm, had dinner and slept..
the next day....
5th June 2009..
Aini was supposed to register at Cosmopoint today but when we got to the office, they told us that registrations for hostel was tomorrow..
we came all the way here for nothing!!
there seems to be a miss communication among the Cosmopoint people..
we endded up going to KL Orchid Park to kill some time..
the place was absolutely stunning..
so we cam-whored a lot!
like seriously, A LOT..

first picture together..
the person standing next to my mum is my cousin.. we call her Kaklong..
missing : Kak Ijah

first picture with everyone..
using the timer weih!

us 5 siblings..
left to right according to age -
Kak Ijah (24), Intan (22), Najmie (21), Aini (18), Wahida (11)
and yes, I'm the tallest of them all.. lol!

tired faces.. and burnt!!
it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, fyi!
missing : Aini

last picture before we headed to the car..
still missing : Aini
I was also the model for my sis..
she likes to take pictures so usually it's either me or Intan that ends up being her model..

today's forecast, slightly cloudy..

hey, I think the Orchid Garden is that way!!

oohhh, pretty flowers!!

purpose : to show of my new shirt.. hahaha!!

stairways to heaven.. (^^,)

ferns are our friends.. lol!!

can you see me?.. (^^,)
well, that's about it for now..
I'll update later okies..
take care awesome people!!
shining star~~
Ain't i just the best photographer? Huahaha. Missing you guys tons here. Jyan~
we're also missing you lots.. take care okeis, and stay strong!!
i just read this entry... nice to be acknowledged for missing in the pictures...missing u all over there...:)
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