Mood : together~~
I went biking today..
one of my attempts to lose weight..
but seriously, since I started exercising regularly last week, I have lost 2kg..
in two weeks weih!!
serious, not joking here..
I'll give you some tips later~~
here are some pictures from this afternoon between 5.30 to 6.30pm..
went biking with a double bike..
rented from UUM sports complex..
I rode with my sister, Wahida..
so we were biking around the complex and passed by the archery range..
there was a guy there and he shot some arrows..
and it looked cool!!
he saw us and told us to come over..
turns out he was the coach for the UUM Archery Club..
I forgot his name though..
he was really nice..
he let me and Daphnee, my neighbor from French, try archery..
and it was so cool!!~~
I sooooooo wanna join this club..
and Taekwondo..
just have to wait until my appeal for UUM is accepted..
hope it's soon..
check out some cool pics..
me with da coach..
he guessed I was 20 years old..
a year younger than my real age..
wah, ni yg sy nak join gak ni..
jom lepak kat pusta sukan nanti ye..
dok dpp mane ek?
eh, uum jgk ka?..
hehehe, no hal klau nk lepak, umah sy dlm uum ja nih.. haha!
dpp tuh apa?..
lucky nye dapat training free huhu~ by the way pls share the tips! i really2 want to lose some weight! (kesan dari mkn, tido 24/7)
hahaha nana!..
okies, my next post will be about the tips ya..
wait for it~~ (^^,)
Heok! Is that Zhoumi with Donghae?
Nee, you look the same lol.
Waa~ don't hit me.
Make sure to shed off some more weight before I get back this august.
hohoho.. it's donghae and siwon la..
well, of course I don't look different, I feel different..
yeah, I'll make sure I look thinner for yah sis!
wah!!!i took the pic....isn't it pretty?huhuhuhhu......
well it was a sunny evening.....
and i miss kak aini....huhuhuhhu...
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