Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the great thing about holiday is....

you sit at home and turn white again.. all the sun burns and unwanted tan from hanging out with your friends under the sun, or from jogging in the evenings (ceh) or from the running around doing errands while sweating your armpits off.. hey, don't say ewww, you do that too ftw..

other than that, getting fat, being lazy and wasting time watching tv and surfing the net.. dude, I could have used the time to do my assignments, but noooooooooooooooooo, I HAD to waste them precious time.. if time was money, I'd be broke by now ftw.. (=_____=;;; luckily there is still 3 more days before holiday fully ends.. so I'm going to start doing them assignments NOW!

eh tak, I mean after I update my blog.. hahaha.. btw, pesanan penaja di bawah.. ^^

dear blog,


Love you, forever.. <3

1 comment:

Judiene said...

My Goodness! You're still alive.
Hahaha. Kidding. :P


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