Mood : hyped!
Assalamualaikum awesome peeps, how are you guys?.. don't point out the obvious, I know I haven't updated my blog since forever, but, well, I'm a busy person, so it's exempted.. hahahaha.. so today I went to see my lil sis, Wahida, graduate from standard six.. shesssh, I though Diploma and above only got graduation ceremony, now primary schooling also got one~!. lol, cakap style cina.. hahaha.. her UPSR result?.. shhhhhh, you'll know it soon enough.. (^^,)
the graduation speeches took forever, I actually slept when the Headmaster talked at the podium.. super sleepy.. wuwuwuwu.. they got some sort of performance afterwards, from little people (LOL) like dancing, choir, and a loud ear splitting solo from a girl singing 'Pudar' by Rossa.. I nearly burst my eardrums, so effin loud weih, I could have gotten a heart attack!.. huhuhu.. anyway, here's the pictures I took for Wahida's graduation.. too lazy to watermark them, but they all belong to me, coz I shot em.. so nobody claim em to be theirs ok?.. hohoho..

receiving her graduating but empty scroll case.. lol!~ just for show..

daughter and mother..

the happiness shows!.. I love the fact that I took this pic.. muahahahahaha!!~ XD
and the results for UPSR are announced!..
Wahida got...

you guessed it right!!.. she got 5A's!! wohoooooo, alhamdulillah!!!.. we told everyone we know about it.. I even rolled down my window when I passed the UUM gate, and told the security guard!.. muahahahaha!!~ weih, bangga siot adik dapat 5A.. aku dulu dapat 4A 1B ja tau.. curse you numbers!.. wuwuwu.. (TT^TT)
so once the results are out, Wahida starts getting calls from her sisters in KL, calling me (obviously, since she doesn't have her own phone) to congratulate their little sister..

the slip of honour for mothers everywhere.. (^^,)

and the happy face of the owner of the slip.. Congratulations Wahida!

and congratulations to mummy too!.. you now have bragging rights!.. hahahaha.. =P

but sadly, not everyone share my sister's happiness.. lots of gals around crying, some dudes too, since the school didn't have lots of scorers.. once it passed the 20 people mark, the only 20 who got 5A's out of 152 students taking UPSR at that school, people started crying.. here are some snaps of emotions that I managed to capture.. quite hard tho, these peeps saw me taking pictures with my Nicky, they try their best to hide and shy away from my camera.. but boo hoo, I got some anyway!.. hahaha.. eh, okay, that sounds evil.. I'm ashamed now.. (-__-''

there were mostly tears of sadness compared to tears of joy.. there's even this teacher who encouraged the kids to cry, I dunno why tho.. but Wahida was all smiles, not a single drop of tears came from her.. hmmm, maybe she has a heart as hard as stone or something.. lol!~ XD nahhh, she's too happy to cry, some people are like that.. (^^,)
to wahida's friends who didn't get as high mark as you would have hoped, stay strong, it's not the end of the world.. dust yourself and get back on your feet.. what has gone is gone, now you can only focus on your present to get a more awesome and brighter future.. doesn't that sound cool?.. especially coming from me, right?.. lol, ftw!!.. hahahaha.. XD
now I'm gonna go get me some ice cream.. hahaha.. (^^,)
Congrats to Wahida~! (again, lol)
Have you kissed and hugged her for me?
I think I have an inkling feeling I know why they're all bursting in tears.
UPSR this time around was DIFFICULT!!
Have you seen their syllabus? So friggid hard! Some of the questions looked like they popped out of a PMR student's textbook. I mean, seriously!
In my days, UPSR was really easy, a lot of people scored. Those who didn't usually lacked in studying and they expected that they didn't do well anyway.
In other words, Wahida is AMAZING to have received 5A's.
I do hope the ministry of education will revise this. They're turning kids into fucking robots, man. It's not even funny.
The pros and cons don't even match.
Sorry or the tl;dr but I really sympathize with those who worked hard but didn't do so well
this is a freaking long comment man!.. hahaha.. I've done the whole kissing n hugging already.. yeah, I agree with u, the ministry should revise the kids syllabus, kesian u know..
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