Mood : Busy
I'm really busy right now..
well, was busy for the last few weeks regarding SIFE UUM's program,
Malaysia Entrepreneurship and Leadership Convention (MEALCON)..
the program is next month, 29 - 30th January 2010..
confirmed speakers are the President and CEO of Johor Corporation a.k.a. KFC & Pizzahut and the CEO of Leadernomics..
more info will be provided later..
all universities are invited, and I personally handled the invitation letter, being the secretary and all..
UPM, UM, USM, UKM, UPSI, UTP, UNIMAS, UniMAP, and more are invited..
people who are coming, please inform me ya..
it's nice to meet new people, especially bloggers..
outside people are allowed to join too..
oh, Tachi, your tag will be done later ok?..
quite tied up at the moment..
but thanks for tagging me..
seriously love your description of me..
and tomorrow, I'll be extra busy..
it's Quratul Ain's 1st birthday!..
well, not technically..
her birthday was on 23rd December, but the party is tomorrow..
wheee, cake!!
so there goes my diet..
any available personal trainers?..
the birthday girl..
the awesome-est and cutest little girl in the world!!
happy happy birthday!
now a question to them LRT or train users..
how do you cope with the morning rush and the evening rush?..
meh personal experience riding the Putra LRT at 8.30 in the morning..
very packed with people..
they must smell "better" in the evening, right?..
how do you people cope with this?..
shining star~~
hepy birthday quratul ain! :)
sayang busy?
patut pon b rasa terabai!!!
wah2...selamat hari lahir, moge die panjang umo n dapat rezeki yang mencurah-curah..hehe
da serik naek lrt sesak2, macam2 bau ade...huhu
she's sooooo cute.......
sibuk?sibuk 2 sibuk lar ksihatan awk 2 kna jgk ok?asyik batuk jer stiap kali sy call...bhya dowh..nnti suara awk xcomel dh..huhuhu..Selamat Hari Lahir Qurratul Ain yg setahun...moga pnjg umo n hidup mu sntiasa dirahmati Allah...hehehe...
ttg Lrt komuter n so on pun xdpt nk jlskn cmna bau2 yg ada...hehehe...:p
anda sgt bz la kali neh.
tp still dpt update bl0g.
They smell at their BEST in the evening, indeed. Are NOT you?
i agree with what you say
yg part nek LRT tu, seyesly, i've been thru that experience a couple of time and it was insanely crazy
people were just being so selfish sampai ada yg tolak menolak, pekik memekik
i was crazy, seriously!
yey! (^^,)
sory la b.. ngahahaha.. shah, bila balik UUM?.. jom pegi jogging nk tak nnt?.. =P
tau takpa..
dah passing dah kat dia.. hehe..
yeah, sgt sesak deh, penat nk selit2..
tengok la sapa makteh dia.. ngahahaha.. =P
ya, baikkk.. sy jga kesihatan, mkn byk2.. haha.. =P
sy bukan mintak jelaskan, sy tanya cmana korang handle morning rush n evening rush yg penuh dgn org tuh.. hehe..
ya, terima kasih.. hahaha..
err, not really.. I wouldn't know.. jarang naik LRT coz duduk kat kedah.. mana da LRT.. hehe..
wahida k..
which do u agree with?..
pekik memekik?.. really?.. bukan usually people just keep quiet ka?.. hurmm, weird.. pasal tolak menolak tu perkara biasa lah kan?.. smua org tak sabar..
nama pun pengangkutan awam, biasa la tu sesak2 dan himpit2...
instead of mengeluh, lebih baik bersyukur sahaja kerana mmg ia satu kemudahan utk sesetengah org, especially those yg memerlukan (i.e takde transport sendiri nak gi kerja).
btw, happy b'day quratul ain...
busy2 pown dpt gak update that gurlz...cute
abg ejay..
I'm not really mengeluh-ing, just asking LRT peeps how they cope with the rushes.. no one really answered my question tho.. hurmm..
hehehe, mestilah kena.. (^^,)
yeah, she's the cutest!
voted.. but next time don't spam my entry please.. leave the link at my chatbox..
i never said u mengeluhed... i didn't mention about u or jwb any question pun..
it's my opinion, a plain statement, in general... ok?
abg ejay..
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