Mood : Defensive..
I gave a chance once but you were too stupid to use it..
you were rude, uncaring and cowardly..
you hide behind your facade..
I'm kindda glad to know the real you, cos I won't want you ever again..
good thing we were never an item..
and now that I'm single, you want to get back with me??!!
in your DREAMS man!!
I made a mistake, letting you peak into my heart once..
and guess what?
I'm NOT going to repeat my mistake..
I'm a smart girl, I learn from my mistakes..
back off bozo!!
I want nothing to do with you anymore..
you will stay where you belong, in my soon-to-be forgotten past..
shining star~~
eh, what's wrong?.. you marah kew?..
cool ok, you're a smart girl rite?
happy always!
hehehe, tak lah sarah, I tak marah pon.. dh cool dh..
I'm happy!!.. (^^,)
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