Mood : relief
assalamualaikum and good evening everyone.. sighhh... it's done, it's over.. the battle has finally ended.. wondering what battle I'm talking about?.. the Me And My City Contest voting period.. it has ended a few minutes ago.. how did I do?.. well, I didn't make the top 5, so there is probably no chance of me winning the trip to New York.. currently in 9th place from 49.. I'm a little bit disappointed, but I'll manage.. stay positive, there must be a reason why I didn't get it, right?.. even though I wanted it so so bad, but I'm okay that I didn't get it.. really.. (^^,)
this whole experience of getting people to vote for me in a contest had opened my eyes to something and taught me something too.. some friends you thought have your back, who you thought we be right by you through thick or thin, don't support you sometimes.. and those you don't even know that well, who you'd just give a smile when you walk by, lend their hands better than the so called best friends.. ironic isn't it?.. hey, you live you learn, right?..
I started the quest for votes with 9, and ended with 54 votes.. thank you so so much to those who helped, especially slashadie safar, ahmad fikri, vera lam, and my family members for registering more than 1 email account.. not forgetting my mum and sisters for tolerating my obsession for the votes.. hehehe.. and a special thanks also goes out to Slashadie and Kerol for the emotional support.. and everyone else who I didn't mention but voted for me, bloggers, Facebook friends, Sifers, friends, THANK YOU SO SO MUCH.. now I truly know who my friends are.. again, thank you.. (^^,)
ada 1 more paper.
well, dont be so disappointed on yourself. there's must be a reason why you don't make it to the top 5. maybe you'll be facing problems there, or maybe there's other reason that you don't think of. but look at the bright side, now you know who can help you when you're in trouble, and who will run when you needed help.
just don't give up k.
it's okay.. so camana, dah abes paper?..
perhaps.. it's okay, I tried my best, guess it wasn't my rezeki.. hehe.. I'm okay, and thanks for voting, judiene, means a lot to me.. (^^,)
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